
Health & Safety Update

Mystic Seaport Museum remains closed to the public as we collectively work to halt the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This action is in keeping with our commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe environment, as well as with our responsibility to follow directives from the Federal and local governments.

Although we are closed to visitors, the business of the Museum goes on. Many of our staff members are able to telecommute and work from home, so if you have a matter that needs our attention, please do not hesitate to reach out via phone or email.

We will continue to keep visitors updated as this rapidly changing situation evolves. We appreciate your support during this difficult time and we look forward to inviting you back for a visit when we reopen.


Looking for Something to Do?

Over the next several weeks we will be posting new content on our website and social media to help everyone pass the time. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out our Stories Blog which has  a large collection of Museum videos. You may also want to peruse our Mystic Seaport Museum for Educators website. It has a wide variety of resources about our collection that can be of interest to the general audience as well as teachers.

Here is one of our favorite videos from the 38th Voyage of the Charles W. Morgan in 2014:

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