The construction of the Thompson Exhibition Building reached a milestone this past week with the installation of the final wood beam. This completed the erection of the primary structure for the building. Each of the ten beams is 105-feet long and constructed of glue-laminated fir. The beams were manufactured outside Montreal, Canada and shipped to Mystic Seaport in sections. The contractor then assembled the parts on-site.
Following close behind the structural work were the roofers. At this point, the entire roof has been sheathed in plywood and a waterproof membrane has been applied. Contractors presently are working on erecting the wall framing to have the building enclosed as we head into winter.
At the same time, the water, electrical, IT, and HVAC lines are being installed in advance of the pouring of the concrete floor, and the mezzanine level is being erected. The building’s systems will be located on the second floor mezzanine.
Work will continue on the building throughout the winter. For more information on the Thompson Building and the McGraw Gallery Quadrangle project, please visit our McGraw Quad page.
A time-lapse video of the erection of the glue-laminated beams of the Thompson Building beginning with the first beam on October 16, 2015 and running to the installation of the final beam on December 15.