The New Blue Economy is a sustainable and equitable ocean and coastal economy that optimizes advances in science and technology to create value-added, data-driven economic opportunities and solutions to pressing societal needs.
–National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Mystic Seaport Museum has made considerable advancement in building credibility and authenticity as a significant conduit and convener space for the southern New England to New York corridor for blue technology and blue economy stakeholders. This initiative will advance Mystic Seaport Museum into the 21st century as a logical extension of our existing maritime narrative and secure enduring relevancy for our customers and constituents.
We are the only maritime museum starting to leverage these themes comprehensively and cohesively as an institutional strategic vision, providing new opportunities for regional connections and relevance, supporting our local economy, and building our collections and scholarship. Much effort has been made in the last two years to get a seat at the table with stakeholders, from entrepreneurs to investors to government officials to indigenous communities and many others to learn where we can provide value to these essential maritime discussions that will not only define a sustainable economy as a nation but also shape and secure our future as a museum.
Work up until now has included identifying authentic value for the institution, our customers, and our partners while leveraging our unique offerings and 90+ year reputation as the leading American maritime museum. In January, we became a founding member of the Connecticut Blue Economy Coalition, a collaboration of nine partners whose mission is to “be the nexus for the blue economy in the State of Connecticut. As a networking and convening coalition of partners, we will bring stakeholders together to best determine strategies for supporting the growth and stability of the blue economy through education, acceleration, advocacy, and communication. Each organization brings its own set of strengths, infrastructure, networking opportunities, and skill sets to the coalition. As a collaboration, we will leverage our combined strengths to accelerate and empower a sustainable future for blue economic growth in Connecticut.”
Mystic Seaport Museum is seeking opportunities for collaboration to help us achieve our goal of becoming a significant convening institution for blue economy and blue technology.
This is a strategic initiative to build our reputation in this arena through our unique waterfront location, collections, scholarship, public outreach, and storytelling by connecting maritime past, present, and future through blue economy and blue technology.
This initiative will help shape our future trajectory as an institution.
For more information, please contact Zoe Wills, Strategic Engagement Associate, at
75 Greenmanville Ave
Mystic, CT 06355
Copyright © 2021 Mystic Seaport Museum
75 Greenmanville Ave
Mystic, CT 06355