Mystic Seaport Museum Opens its Doors to Renowned British Artist J.M.W. Turner
To great acclaim, Mystic Seaport Museum opened its newest exhibition J.M.W. Turner: Watercolors from Tate on Saturday, October 5, 2019. More than 140 members had
BRILLIANT wins at Eggemoggin
There are two things we can say about our schooner BRILLIANT: the boat is fast and the boat is beautiful.
Turner Book Pre-Sale
Mystic Seaport Museum is proud to announce it is accepting pre-sale orders for its new book, “Conversations with Turner: The Watercolors,” published jointly with Skira.
Museum Honors Dark Harbor 20 Owners with Baker Award
The owners are being recognized for their effort to preserve and maintain a significant class of American sailing craft.
Mendlowitz Receives William P. Stephens Award
Mystic Seaport is pleased to announce it has honored maritime photographer Benjamin Mendlowitz with the William P. Stephens Award.
The Cover Comes Off
After nearly 3 years hidden under a large tent in the Shipyard, crews this week disassembled the structure that has sheltered MAYFLOWER II during its restoration.