There are two things we can say about our schooner Brilliant: the boat is fast and the boat is beautiful. This past weekend, at the annual Eggemoggin Reach Regatta in Maine, Brilliant proved once again the truth to those statements.
Captain Dan McKenzie and his crew brought Brilliant across the line for first place in her class (schooner and gaff). The Eggemoggin Reach Regatta is the premier classic yacht race on the East Coast. There were reportedly 113 vessels in Saturday’s race.

Brilliant also brought home the trophy for Most Photogenic Boat as judged by the Calendar of Wooden Boats®.
The schooner is the work of legendary naval architect Olin Stephens II, whose ability to combine speed and beauty in his designs is renowned. Brilliant was built in 1932 at the yard of Henry B. Nevins at City Island, NY. After a number of years as a yacht and a stint in the U.S. Coast Guard during World War II, the boat was donated to the Museum in 1952 to become a sail training vessel, starting in 1953. More than 11,000 teenagers and adults have sailed in programs since that time. Brilliant’s excellent condition is a testament to the designers and skilled craftsmen who built her to the highest standards, and to the careful maintenance she has received ever since. Originally built for offshore cruising, Brilliant has proven herself in many races.
Congratulations to the crew and everyone who supports Brilliant over the course of the year.