Mystic Seaport will be the first destination for this year’s Hinckley Rendezvous with more than 20 of the iconic Hinckley picnic boats, and 70 guests, visiting the Museum August 4-5. During their stay, Hinckley owners will tour the Museum’s Collections Research Center viewing photographs from the Rosenfeld Collection and artifacts relating to the schooner America. In addition, a tour of the Henry B. duPont Preservation Shipyard will be given as well as a special tour of the exhibit “Over Life’s Waters” featuring the art collector Charles Hamm.
Following the Mystic Seaport events, Hinckley owners will travel to Newport for the second leg of the Rendezvous. A parade of boats is planned for the 9:40 bridge Friday morning. The Hinckley Rendezvous was chaired by Mystic Seaport Trustee Grant Cambridge and his wife Peggy. It is an example of the Museum’s Mystic Affinity Program (MAP), which is new strategy the Museum is using to introduce new people to the Museum and to the region through events hosted by members and friends of Mystic Seaport.
Hinckley Yachts, headquartered in Portsmouth, Rhode island, is known for the beauty and craftsmanship of their boats. Hinckley builds a variety of motor and power yachts through the Hinckley Yachts, Hunt Yachts and Morris Yachts brands, which are distributed worldwide.