By Steve White, President of Mystic Seaport Museum
At the Annual Meeting of the Members on May 18, we witnessed a significant leadership change for our Board of Trustees. J. Barclay Collins, II fulfilled his six-year term as Chairman of the Museum’s Board of Trustees and Michael S. Hudner was elected to be the next chairman.
Looking back on Barclay’s tenure as chairman, it is remarkable to see what we achieved during those years: We completed the restoration of the Charles W. Morgan and took the ship back to sea for her 38th Voyage—an unprecedented event in the maritime heritage community. The McGraw Gallery Quadrangle and its anchor, the Thompson Exhibition Building, re-envisioned the north end of our grounds with a new focus on indoor exhibitions, and we are leveraging that capability with the Era of Exhibitions and the display of ground-breaking shows such as The Vikings Begin; Science, Myth, and Mystery: The Vinland Map Saga; and Death in the Ice: The Mystery of the Franklin Expedition. That is quite a list. It is a testament to Barclay’s leadership, and we are grateful that he will continue to serve on the Board.
The Museum is also fortunate to have Mike Hudner ready to take over the gavel. Mike has been a trustee since 2004. As the leader of the team that oversaw the Gallery Quadrangle project, one needs only to look at the striking façade of the Thompson Building to know we are in good hands with Mike at the helm. Mike has also served the Museum well as chair of the Exhibitions Committee for many years. He is a maritime businessman and a lifelong sailor who cares passionately about the sea and our mission.
I ask the Mystic Seaport Museum Community to join me in thanking both men for all they have done — and will continue to do — for the institution. Both are striking examples of the Museum’s outstanding Board of Trustees who serve so generously.